
The first step in starting a game of MicroCiv is to appoint all gamemasters or school staff. After this is done, the game of MicroCiv can be customized, this is mostly in relation to industrial tasks (and methods of combat, if applicable). At least 5 methods to attain game resources should be available to participants before the game begins. This can always be added to and adjusted later. Also, each game of MicroCiv should also have a name.

Not many supplies are needed for MicroCiv, but there are some necessities. Gamemasters and school staff only need to provide items that will symbolize resources and products, but it may help to provide a few additional items. These additional items will help new participants get started. These can be given away or, if the gamemaster or school staff is participating in the game, sold for game currency or debt. Participants can also be told to bring their own supplies. For resources, any objects in the shape of small or lowercase letters are optimal. For products, any objects in the shape of large or uppercase letters are optimal. For a cheaper solution, cards with lowercase and uppercase letters could be used, though this may not be ideal as they might blend in with the game currency too much. Resources and products can also be kept track of in documents and files, but this is not recommended as it takes away from the interactive essence of the game. Other essential supplies are blank paper, writing and drawing utensils, scissors, and bags or boxes to store contents for different entities. If assigned tasks require computers, tablets, or smart phones, those will also be needed. Many other supplies can be utilized for the game if more advanced gameplay is involved.

Gamemasters and school staff must have all files in order to keep track of vital game information before starting MicroCiv. This will normally be done digitally, but can be done on paper as well. Participant's names and initials, participant's scores and days played, available game tasks, information regarding game regions, municipalities, and properties, and game history should all be documented. The easiest solution for this is to utilize the software provided on the MicroCiv website by registering and logging in.

After the initial playing areas have been chosen and the first participants have been recruited, it will be important for gamemasters and school staff to establish playable areas and forbidden zones within the boundaries of general playing areas. This is mostly in regards to the wishes of the actual owners and renters of private locations being used. Safety and practicality are also considerations for both public and private locations. Depending on the situation, there may be both assigned and unclaimed municipalities and properties. Regardless, it will be beneficial to determine industrial values for all regions and municipalities possible before starting a game. This is best done using a random generator online.

There may be other elements to consider as well, especially if young children are involved. Make sure everything is in order and that any safety concerns are addressed, both within gaming areas, near gaming areas, and with any items being used in the game. For example, items that are potential choking hazards and utensils that might be dangerous for young children.

Participants with any experience with MicroCiv will mostly be able to do their own thing. New players will, of course, need some introduction. MicroCiv is relatively easy to introduce to new players, but the ages and development of new participants still should be considered. 5 is the youngest recommended age for participants. It may be possible for 4-year-olds to participate as well, but children a little older than this will have certain limitations, especially strategic. But by the age of 5, a participant will usually be cognitive enough to partake in several aspects of MicroCiv. Whether new participants are very young or adults, explaining MicroCiv's basic concepts, such as municipalities and currency, is an effective way to introduce the game. Almost everyone will be interested in creating or joining countries. Many will also be interested in creating their own currencies and flags. After this, more advanced game mechanics can be introduced. For older kids and adults, this will often be able to happen on a participant's first game day. Methods of achieving resources, products, and points should be addressed as soon as possible, but not pushed on participants busy with the first steps of getting involved. The concepts of partaking in business or trade, or diplomacy and treaties between different political entities, can be a tertiary briefing. Keep in mind that different personality types will be interested in different activities and that the mechanics of MicroCiv will offer almost every participant something significant. If a participant is having trouble getting involved, it is important to suggest a variety of ideas for them, maybe even more advanced ideas and concepts regarding the game. It may also be helpful to directly participate with them. Other considerations may involve negative social dynamics between specific participants. It may be beneficial to slyly interject and offer alternative paths to such participants in an attempt to quell any brewing negativity. When basic game concepts have been exhausted, the advanced gameplay section may be of help.

During a gaming session, participants should be in possession of any game items such as resources, products, currencies, and anything else that comes about through gameplay. These are best stored in a box, bag, or other container. Each entity should have their own container, including organizations. At the end of the game, it is up to the gamemaster if these belongings are kept or taken by the gamemaster. Different age groups may be subject to different rules and responsibilities regarding this.