MicroCiv World Manager Documentation | return

The MicroCiv World Manager is a web application offered by the game designer to assist gamemasters in managing the basic details of their world. This application is not necessary to run a MicroCiv world, but it does make it a lot easier. If you decide to use this application, make sure to download backups of your world data each time you modify it. If you are using custom rules and need to display additional information that a field is not provided for, it is often satisfactory to include the information in the name field.

Initials: The initials of the participant. Opposite initials will automatically be generated. This field is not necessary if using custom rules for participant ability.

Alias: This can be used to give participants alternative names for privacy reasons or for worlds where the gamemaster allows participants to have nicknames. The name and initials of a participant will not be displayed if this field is used.

Sessions: How many times the participant has played. Participants with 0 sessions will not be displayed on the leaderboard page.

Points: Total points the participant has accumulated. Score will be calculated automatically.

Regions are not necessary if using custom rules that don't involve them. For example, the classroom variant does not involve regions. However, if you do not add at least 1 region, municipalities will not be visible on the public page. For games without regions, it will be best to create a region and give it a name that is descriptive of where the world is being played. For example, if the classroom variant is being played and the world is named after the class, the region could be named after the room number or room name it takes place in.

Letters: The letter or letters of the region. Opposite letters will automatically be generated. This field is not necessary if using custom rules.

Letters: The letter or letters of the municipality. Opposite letters will automatically be generated. This field is not necessary if using custom rules for industry.

Participants and entities can be selected to assign affiliation with the municipality. This is usually used for the purpose of displaying the participant or entity that has sovereignty over the municipality.

Letters: The letter or letters of the property. Opposite letters will automatically be generated. This field is not necessary if using custom rules for industry.

Participants and entities can be selected to assign affiliation with the property. This is usually used for the purpose of displaying the participant or entity that owns the property.

This section is to add non-participant entities such as governments, businesses, and other organizations.

Participants and entities can be selected to assign affiliation with the entity. This is usually used for the purpose of displaying the participant or entity that owns or has executive power over the entity.

This is an optional section to add participant and entity created currencies that are being used in the world.

Participants and entities can be selected to assign affiliation with the currency. This is usually used for the purpose of displaying the participant or entity that has the power to issue the currency.

Method: This field is for the activity required to achieve an industrial output. If using custom rules the output can also be put in this field. If a method involves the output of multiple letters it is best to create duplicates of the same method and assign each duplicate a different letter.

A letter can be chosen if using default rules for industrial output. All letters can be chosen for worlds with the most basic of rules.

Method: This field is for an activity required to decide the outcome of battles.

Method: This field is for an activity required to decide the success or failure of actions involving crime, law, and espionage.

This section allows gamemasters to make public or private a variety of world information. This is important not only for privacy, but also for worlds that do not utilize certain aspects of the game.

Message: Any text here will be displayed in a popup box whenever a visitor accesses the world's public page within a 24 hour period.

Website: Any link entered here will open in a new tab when the world name is clicked on the world's public page.

Be sure to download your world data whenever you finish making modiciations.

NOTE: to edit your world name click on World Name in the top menu.