Scottie Smith | return
Scottie Smith is a participant in Eternal City and was a participant during the City era. He is known for being strategically manipulative and rational. Scottie was the Chief of the Republic of Kelm from 1989 to 1996 and became the Chief of the Chiefdom of Kelm on 11MAY23. Scottie is also the owner of several businesses.
Dates Active |
Ages Active |
1989-1996, 11MAY23-present |
9-16, 43-44 |
Title |
Name |
Kid Politics |
Scottie Smith |
Kid Politics Sequel |
Scottie Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict (digital tabletop game) |
Scottie Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict (tabletop game) |
Scottie Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict Sequel |
Scottie Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict Sequel (tabletop game) |
Scottie Smith |