Chris Smith | return
In Chris Smith's early years, he was known for his rebellious nature against his older brother Scottie Smith, often calling out his manipulation and corruption. From circa 1989 to circa 1993, he ruled a petty kingdom of an unknown name. The cities that the kingdom had sovereignty over are uncertain and changed throughout its existence, but probably included what would eventually become Delm and Saint J, and probably lost cities outside in the front yard and driveway. Most, if not all, of the country's cities would slowly become part of the Republic of Kelm or become neutral territories from circa 1991 through circa 1993. Chris later became an active citizen of Woodland, gaining much prestige in the nation from about 1992 onward. He had close ties with the Zuave brothers, Kalvin and Marvin.
On 28JUN23, he acquired property in what later became Nidraw and formed a business partnership with Bruno Mondragon. This resulted in Whitman Park briefly outperforming Snowvania in industrial output.
Chris began his sports career with an unknown team that rivaled the R.O.K. Reds. Later, he was the star player for the Woodland Warriors in most sports. On 28SEP24, he began playing for the Kelm Cool Guys.
Dates Active |
Ages Active |
1989-1996, 28JUN23-present |
6-13, 40-41 |
King Chris of an unknown country in Jonesland. |
Title |
Name |
Kid Politics |
Chris Smith |
Kid Politics Sequel
| Chris Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict (Digital Tabletop Game) |
Chris Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict (tabletop game) |
Chris Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict Sequel |
Chris Smith |
Neighborhood Conflict Sequel (tabletop game) |
Chris Smith |