Sharp Weapon Incident | return
The Sharp Weapon Incident took place in circa 1993 in the region of Luxtari. Chief Scottie of the Republic of Kelm, though having a strong like for Boboron and its ruler Kent Luxtari, always wanted to keep it out of the realm of competition with Kelm. Playing on the rivalry between Kent and Geoff Luxtari, he helped Geoff establish his own country. The country was unproductive and highly dependent on support from Kelm. Chief Scottie eventually concocted a plan to have Depp's Place, allies, and mercenaries launch an overwheling invasion of Boboron in hopes to force their surrender before any fighting took place. His intention was to force Boboron into ceding territory or paying tribute to Depp's Place. Plans for this began in secret between Scottie Smith and Geoff Luxtari under the ping pong table in the city of Boboron, which Scottie Smith owned. Scottie promised vast financial assistance if Geoff agreed to the plan, which he enthusiastically did because of the way his older brother treated him. Scottie emphasized to Geoff that this needed to remain top secret and not to tell his parents. For most kids this was common sense, but it was known that Geoff had a teacher's pet mentality and was quite dense with such matters. With Kelm funds, Geoff was able to purchase the sawbench property on the outskirts of Boboron for a very high price. Geoff began manufacturing wooden weapons, which were then transported and secretly stored under the ping pong table. However, while Scottie was discussing unrelated business with Kent, Geoff became overly excited after finishing a weapon and walked upstairs to show his mom. He bragged about the sharp weapons that they were going to attack Kent's country with. Needless to say, this entirely foiled the plot. Geoff got in enormous trouble, and Scottie had to go home. Before leaving, Scottie informed Geoff that financial aid would have to be cut as a result of his actions. Geoff was deeply saddened by this and begged for reconsideration. Scottie Smith, though manipulating Depp's Place for Kelm's own benefit, also genuinely wanted to see Depp's Place grow as a country. The incident brought great trouble to him for this reason, but he also had to explain away the invasion to his closest ally. The main result of the event was Depp's Place losing most financial support from the Republic of Kelm and remaining a very weak country for the rest of its existence. The Republic of Kelm still offered minimal support to Depp's Place so that Geoff could at least maintain hope.