Flower Shelves Incident | return

The Flower Shelves Incident was a historic event that took place in Rainbowia in June 2023. Though it was mostly a typical business debate within the game, it is notable because the passion of the event caused one of the participants to loudly weep. Vincent Royce was attempting to corner the market on W resources within the region of Snowvania. The flower shelves is 1 of 3 properties in Snowvania that is able to produce W resources and was owned by Elizabeth Royce at the time. Upon realizing that he did not have any properties in Snowvania that could produce W resources, Scottie Smith began proposing deals to Elizabeth to acquire the property. Elizabeth was willing to sell the property until Vincent expressed strong opposition to the transaction. This caused Scottie to keep offering more and more Kelm dinars for the property, but Elizabeth would not budge. Scottie then offered Elizabeth a new 100 Julia Land dollar bill in addition to the several Kelm dinars. The new Julia Land bills had rainbow colours and were of high quality. Immediately upon seeing the bill, Elizabeth was visibly impressed. While torn between Vincent's pleas of opposition and lusting after the bill, Elizabeth burst into tears. While crying, she explained that she agreed with Vincent but really wanted the Julia Land currency. Finally, after persistent insistance from Gemini Royce, Elizabeth gave into the offer, much to the dismay of Vincent. The ordeal probably didn't have much impact on the situation at hand because Gemini already owned a property that is able to produce W resources in Julia Land, and since Gemini and Scottie had a business partnership that allowed them to use each others' properties in the region, Scottie could have just produced W resources there. However, Scottie probably wanted to secure the flower shelves in case the partnership ever dissolved.


100 Julia Land dollars.
The new Julia Land dollar design.