Flags | return

Surprisingly, flags were rarely used during the City Era and there is no evidence of an original flag being created during that time. The first use of a flag is by the the Republic of Kelm in the 1990s when they adopted the flag of the Green Mountain Boys. The first documented original flag being created is the flag of the Pink Kingdom by Elizabeth Royce in May of 2023. Some AI NPCs that had the ability to create images also designed flags starting in July of 2023.
Entity Image Date Creator Type Notes
Ardentia - 27NOV23 Sebastian Bronstein in digital art only Made as a gift to Abri Steele.
Arith, Socialist Republic of 12MAY23 Vincent Royce paper -
Avengerdonia - MAY23 Bruno Mondragon paper -
Divinitas, Realm of the 04JUL23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only The first country flag by an AI NPC.
Eloise Land 09OCT23 Eloise McCall digital only -
Julia Land - 12MAY23 Gemini Royce paper (also in a drawing) -
Kelm, Chiefdom of 19MAY23 - paper -
Kelm, Chiefdom of - 08NOV24 - paper -
Kelm, Republic of c.1776 - handsewn Originally the flag of the Green Mountain Boys and adopted by R.O.K. in the 1990s.
Pink and Rainbow and Gold Kingdom - 11JUN23 Elizabeth Royce paper -
Pink and Rainbow Kingdom - 12MAY23 Elizabeth Royce paper
Pink Kingdom 12MAY23 Elizabeth Royce drawing only The first documented original flag of the game.
Verdenia - 27DEC24 Bruno Mondragon paper -

Entity Image Date Creator Type Notes
Boboron 04JUL23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only -
Cardonia - JUN23 Gemini Royce paper -
Depp's Place - 04JUL23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only -
Divince - 04JUL23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only -
Ducktown - 09OCT23 Eloise McCall in digital art only -
Eloise Town 04JUL23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only Adopted by Eloise McCall after Shakala was claimed and renamed.
Greenland 27NOV23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only Made as a gift to Abri Steele.
Highland 27NOV23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only Made as a gift to Abri Steele.
Hulk City - MAY23 Bruno Mondragon paper -
Julia Land - 12MAY23 Gemini Royce paper (also in a drawing) Used the same flag as its country when it acquired a second city.
Marzyk 27NOV23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only Made as a gift to Abri Steele.
Shakala 04JUL23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only -
Spider-Man City - MAY23 Bruno Mondragon paper -
Ustyn 04JUL23 Sebastian Bronstein digital only -

Entity Image Date Creator Type Notes
Avenjonia 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Adopted to represent Avengerdonia in games.
Berry City 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Boboron 2012 or 2013 Abram Jones digital only (also in digital art) Originally created in ContributeCraft for the settlement of Boboron or Kaiz Place.
Cana 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Cana 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Clownland 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Adopted to represent the city-state of Clowntown in games.
Delm 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Depp's Place 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Divince 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Ducktown 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Greenland 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games (based an old logo of Greenland Elementary School).
High Hills 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Highland 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Jeneryk (Generac) 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games (influenced by the flag of Coolberg).
Juland 2024 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent Julia Land.
Kelm 2000s Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Kelm 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Marzyk 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Marzyk 2020 or 2021 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Nature Hill 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Saint J 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Shakala 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Shakala 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Shakala 2018 Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Ustyn (Austin) 2018 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Uzah (Usa) 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adoped for use in games.
Uzah (Usa) 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Woodland 2012 Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Woodland 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Woodland 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.

Entity Image Date Creator Type Notes
Blockopolis 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent Tex McBurger's basement.
Boulderton 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent a quarry near New Jonesland
Fencingham 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent the Radway residence.
Fowler Park (French Park) 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Grapeford 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent the area by the arbor in New Jonesland (now New Tree Opolis).
Haunted Lane 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent a road that led to a house that was rumoured to be haunted.
Lac La Labelle 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Mystic Grove 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent a mysterious micro grove in the Woodland hedgerows.
Park Lawn 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games (based on an old logo of Park Lawn Elementary School).
Riverside (Waterside Park) 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Snowvania 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent the Royce residence.
Snowy Meadow 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent the earlier Royce residence.
Tierra del Hielo 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.

Entity Image Date Creator Type Notes
Ayvea 2008 Abram Jones handsewn The original Ayvean flag adopted for use in games to represent Ayvea.
New Prussia 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent New Prussia (influenced by the official flag of New Prussia created in 2007 by Jake Peterson).

Entity Image Date Creator Type Notes
Coolberg 2012 or 2013 Abram Jones digital only (also in digital art) Adopted for use in games (originally created in ContributeCraft for the settlement of Coolberg).
Ryvev 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games (influenced by the flag of Ryvev in ContributeCraft from 2012 or 2013).
Stromne 2012 or 2013 Jake Peterson digital only (also in digital art) Adopted for use in games (originally created in ContributeCraft for the settlement of Stromne).
Wynla 2012 Abram Jones digital only (also in digital art) Adopted for use in games (originally created in ContributeCraft for the settlement of Wynla).

Entity Image Date Creator Type Notes
Aurhyllea c.2009 Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games (influenced by the Ayvean flag).
Candy Garden 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Double U 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Frosted Acre 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Kaizonya 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games to represent Kaiz Place.
Rynena 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Sacred Tree 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games to represent Kaiz Tree (influenced by the flag of Wynla).
Sun Pond 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Xhmwuanyz 2000s Abram Jones digital only Adopted for use in games.
Xymetra 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Xynia 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.
Yardsdale 2020-2022 Abram Jones digital only Created for use in games.