Depp's Place | return

Depp's Place was a small impoverished puppet state of the Republic of Kelm. Depp's Place had good diplomatic relations with Ducktown, Highland, the Republic of Kelm, Cana, and Austin. At one point, Kelm cut most of its aide to Depp's Place as a result of the Sharp Weapon Incident, much to the dismay of Geoff Luxtari.
Dates Extant Other Name(s) Demonym Government Economy Capital Currency Ruler
c.1993-c.1996 - - - Market city state - Geoff Luxtari

Flag of the Duchy of Depp in the Kid Politics series.

Title Name
Kid Politics Duchy of Depp
Kid Politics Sequel Duchy of Depp
Micronations Deppstein
Neighborhood Conflict Sequel Depp's Place
Neighborhood Conflict Sequel (tabletop game) Deppstein