Chief Tribes | return

The Chief Tribes was a union of partially independent cities in the Republic of Kelm. Member states received protection from the R.O.K. Army as well as financial assistance if needed. In reality, members probably received little benefit from the union. Divince joined from fear of an attack from Woodland; however, Divince was out of range of the Woodland menace, and Woodland did not have much incentive to invade the city-state. Shakala joined because the Shakala dollar was having severe inflation problems. Though Kelm helped out with inflation by buying up Shakala dollars, any added financial benefit was negated by the increased usage of the Kelm x and decreased usage of the Shakala dollar as a result of the union. Cana and Usa may have benefited as allies of the union as they were granted voting and candidacy privileges without risking their rulers' sovereignty but were ultimately used as pawns to bolster Kelm's central power.

The purpose of the union was a political maneuver by Scottie Smith to strengthen Kelm's position against Woodland as a result of the intermittent Great Woodland War. It served the purpose of bringing the most powerful of independent city-states into closer relations with Kelm and putting a Kelm puppet in control of the constantly disputed territory of Greenland.

It is unknown why Delm was included in the union, as it was a main city of Kelm. It may be because the sovereignty of the city was often disputed between Kelm and Chris Smith's former country; however, by this time he was predominantly involved in Woodland politics outside of the region. The most probable explanation is that Scottie Smith placed Delm into the union as a sign of possible sacrifice and solidarity with others, as the rulers of previously independent city-states Divince and Shakala were risking political power if they were to lose an election. There may have been other cities in the union at different times. Notably, Depp's Place was absent from known participation in the union. This could be as a result of the Sharp Weapon Incident and/or their complete lack of prestige.
Dates Extant Other Name(s) Demonym Government Economy Capital Currency Ruler
c.1994-c.1995 - -
Elected Chiefdom Market -
Kelm x, Shakala dollar -

Name Region Dates
Delm Jonesland c.1994-c.1995
Divince Divince c.1994-c.1995
Greenland Greenland c.1994-c.1995
Shakala Shakala c.1994-c.1995