Chiefdom of Kelm | return

The Chiefdom of Kelm is a country based in New Jonesland that was founded by Scottie Smith. Anything owned by the Chiefdom of Kelm is owned by the Chief, so there is no separation between the Chief and the government of the Chiefdom of Kelm. The flag was designed on 19MAY23 by Scottie Smith. It was described as looking like a pride game controller by Gemini Royce.
Dates Extant Other Name(s) Demonym Government Economy Capital Currency Chief
11MAY23-present Kelm Kelmite Despotism Market Xelm Kelm dinar Scottie Smith

Name Region Dates
Chelm New Jonesland 28SEP24-present
Delm Jonesland
Garagestantinople New Jonesland 06NOV24-present
High Hill Jonesland 08JUN23-28MAY24
Kelm Jonesland 08JUN23-28MAY24
Quelm New Jonesland 06NOV24-present
Xelm New Jonesland 11MAY23-present
Watermelonia New Jonesland 06NOV24-present
Welm New Jonesland 09NOV24-present
Yelm Snowvania 12MAY23-28MAY24
Zhelm New Jonesland 04DEC24-present

Chiefdom of Kelm's flag animated.
Chiefdom of Kelm's flag at the entrance of Yelm from Rainbowia.

Title Name
Neighborhood Conflict Sequel (tabletop game) Chiefdom of Kelm