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The city was originally known as Generac and part of the country of Woodland. It occupied the garage, side yard, backyard, and a section of the hedgerow of trees adjacent to Berry City at the Zuave residence. However, at certain times it may have been divided into 2 different cities. Most activity in the city was related to the Great Woodland War. There was some economic activity in the area of the hedgerow, and some sporting events were held in the backyard, mostly football. The garage was mostly used for storing items and was a great source of supplies for the rest of the country. Its main export was nails and staples from the workplace of the Zuaves' father. The city was virtually accessible for parts of 2023 and 2024.
Region Founder Established Abandoned
Zuave Marvin Zuave c.1992 c.1995

Fictional flag used in games.

Year Average Peak
c.1992-c.1995 6 3
2023 0 0
2024 0 0

Title Name
Kid Politics Jeneryk
Kid Politics Sequel Jeneryk
Micronations Jeneryk
Neighborhood Conflict Jeneryk
Neighborhood Conflict (Digital Tabletop Game) Jeneryk
Neighborhood Conflict (tabletop game) Jeneryk